Many newbie slaves often ask me such question, external and internal lock, which is better ?
Let's briefly take a look at the pros and cons of these two types of chastity locks now.
External locks often cause sound, pinching problems but some people, especially the dominant owner/keyholder may find the sound of lock touching cage sexy! When external lock has seized up, it is easy to remove the cage by simply cutting the lock handle with a bolt cutter.
Internal locks are also known as built-in locks. Keys tend to crack in them over time. When internal lock has seized up, the wearer would wish he had stuck in a cage with external lock because it is much more troublesome to get out of the mess caused by internal locks! Some guys have to go to hospital and it take hours for doctors to solve that!
I personally recommend slaves to use a chastity cage with external lock. As for the sound, friction and pinching problem which can be caused by external locks, you can put a cloth covers/wrapper on the external lock to solve that!